HECO Mainnet Walkthrough

Hello Beyond Community!
For using our new HECO Mainnet DEX, please read the following instructions and prepare the following assets in your wallet.
- If you already have BYN in your metamask wallet, you need: $HT and $ETH.
This is because current users will use the new “Bridge” function where you have to bridge ETH based $BYN to HECO based $hBYN. When you bridge to ETH to HECO, ETH is used as gas.
In addition, if you wish to use the features within Beyondfi’s new HECO Mainnet, you will spend $HT as gas fee.
2. If you are a new user and have no $BYN, you need : $HT
If you have $HT in your metamask wallet, you will have no problem using our new website as you can swap $HT to $hBYN and also use it as gas.
We are going to introduce the basic features of our platform on HECO.
Before you start, you need to make a new Beyondfi wallet on HECO.
Make a new metamask address and add HECO Network. You cannot use your current Beyondfi wallet on Ethereum in the new platform.
Here is the link in case you did not make a new one: Link
The main features are the below:
Main Features
- Signing in: This is where you connect your wallet. Save your private key.
- Swap ($HT → $hBYN): This is where you get $hBYN with by swapping $HT to $hBYN. You will need $HT in your Beyondfi Wallet.
- Invest ($hBYN → $hUSDb) : This is where you mint $hUSDB with $hBYN. When a user invests, $hBYN is staked and users get $hUSDb.
- Trading: This is where you trade various synthetic assets with $hUSDb
- Rewards: This is where you claim your weekly rewards as you staked $hBYN to get $hUSDb.
1. Sign-in
This is where you connect your wallet. You must save your private key.
- Click Connect Wallet Button and then select “Metamask.”

2. Insert your KEY and click Done. Then, Sign on the Signature Request.

3. If you see this screen, you have successfully logged in.

2. $HT → $hBYN
This is where you get hBYN with by swapping $HT to $hBYN.
You will need $HT in your Beyondfi Wallet.
- Copy your Beyondfi Wallet address.

2. Check $HT is in your Metamask wallet. Send $HT to your Beyondfi wallet address

3. Now go to Earn and select Get $hBYN, put the amount of $HT token you would like to swap to $hBYN.

4. Then, click GET $hBYN button
5. If successful, the following message will be output and displayed in the asset window on the left.

3. $hBYN → $hUSDb
This is where you mint $hUSDB with $hBYN.
When a user invests, $hBYN is staked, and users get $hUSDb.
$hBYN is automatically staked within the platform and allows users to qualify to claim weekly rewards.
- Go to the “Invest” section. You can Swap $hBYN to $hUSDb

2. Here, put the amount of $hBYN token you would like to swap to$ hUSDb. Then press confirm button.

Detail info on the section: Here, you stake your $hBYN to mint $hUSDb (basic underlying synthetic asset, which tracks the price of US Dollar). With the $hUSDb, you can trade various synthetic asset tokens provided in Beyond DEX. Moreover, in return for staking, you get staking rewards and trading fees.
3. When successfully minted, you will see $hUSDb on the Asset list.

4. Trade with $hUSDb
This is where you trade various synthetic assets with $hUSDb
Here, we are selling $hUSDb to buy $hBCHb
- Sell $hUSDb

2. Put the amount of $hUSDb you would like to sell, click “Trade Now”
Trade Confirm section appears. Review the info and proceed by “Confirm”

The transaction is complete. You got $hBCHb!
Now, this is also viewable on “Your Total Asset” page.

5. Checking trading history
This is where you can check your individual trades and all trading history

6. Claim your weekly rewards
This is where you claim your weekly rewards as you staked $hBYN to get $hUSDb.
Steps :
- Claim rewards by clicking “Claim Rewards.”

2. Press Claim Rewards.

Note: Rewards are updated & distributed on a weekly basis on Monday Midnight UTC.
Important Facts
- Your rewards are composed of trading fees (in $hUSDb) and staking rewards ($hBYN)
- Rewards and Fees are blocked from claiming if you are below the target C-Ratio.
- To make sure you always claim your rewards, you must meet the C-Ratio.
We hope all our users find this guide information for a better experience on Beyondfi DEX. Please stay tuned for upcoming features and broader-base synthetic assets for trading as well. We will continue to explore, innovate, expand, and open limitless access across the industry.
About Beyondfi
Upon rebranding, Beyondfi seeks to offer a complete digital asset management platform. The Beyondfi Decentralized synthetic exchange allows users to create and trade synthetic financial products, unlocking the full potential of decentralized finance without limits. Backed by Huobi Ventures, X21 Digital, DuckDAO, Sky Ventures, OKex Block Dream Fund & more, Beyondfi allows users to trade decentralized products without restrictions, offering the true value of Decentralized Finance.