Beyondfi MEME and Mascot Contest

Good Day Beyond Community!
Are you the one cracking jokes with your friends by sharing memes on group chats or Social Networks? Then this is entirely for you!
We are so excited to throw two contests for the community!
We are holding two contests :
- Beyondfi MEME contest
We are calling on our community to share your most creative meme skills and your humor and passion for Beyondfi and spread the word about us.
It can be in any content — image, video, music, etc. Just submit the MEME related to Beyondfi that goes beyond imagination!
- Beyondfi Mascot ‘Beyondian’ Contest
We are also looking for the Beyondfi Mascot created from our community, the ‘Beyondian.’ As the mascot will symbolize our community and us, we want YOU to participate in it!
How do I participate?
**You have to submit it at our discord and your twitter
- Make your meme or Mascot
- Upload it on twitter with #beyondmeme and tag @bey0ndfi
- Join our discord
- Submit your meme or mascot at our discord.
What is the deadline?
You have until the end of January, the 31st
What is the prize for the winner?
- Meme : 100$ USD
- Mascot 100$ USD
Show us your skills!
About Beyondfi
Beyond is a decentralized synthetic product trading platform where users can create and trade synthetic financial products, unlocking the full potential of decentralized finance and derivatives without limits. With prominent key partners including Huobi Ventures, Spark Digital Capital and OKex Block Dream Fund, Beyond ,Finance allows users to trade decentralized products without any restrictions, allowing individuals to reach their fullest to fully realize the value of Decentralized Finance.