NBX (prev. Beyondfi)
29 min readMay 20, 2021

Beyond Finance Community Open Chat Recap ~

The open chat was held on May 15th, 2021 via our official Telegram Group.

We hope to have more of these, especially since we are in the stages of finalizing development of our Beta and will continue to interact with our community as much as possible!

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 13:55]

πŸ—£πŸ—£Good day, dear Beyond community! I am Dotun, admin of beyond official chat and I will be facilitating the open community chat tonight. This is a catch-up session for all of you. The Beyond team will answer all the questions and concerns about the project.

The team is here to respond to your questions and concerns to the best of their ability. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

πŸ‘πŸ‘We appreciate your interest and we will respond to your kind suggestions and comments.

With that being said, we will start the session in 5 minutes. Below are the guidelines for the session.

AMA Guidelines ✍️✍️-

-Segment 1 (Introduction)- The chat will be muted for a few minutes to welcome the Beyond Team (Don’t Panic, you are not Blocked).

-Segment 2 (Community dialogue)πŸ—£πŸ—£-

The community is open for Dialogue. All questions will get answered directly from the Beyond Finance team.

-Segment 3: We will move on forward with questions received via beyond official Twitter, collected questions from various beyond community channels (Twitter and regional Telegram). The team will select Questions to respond and also reward the top 5 questions.

🎁 Rewards will be paid in the next 12–24 hours.

-Segment 4 (Quiz) πŸŽπŸ’: The admin will ask a few questions from the community with the following guidelines:

-The first member to answer correctly will takes the prize for each question.

-If there are no correct answered questions after 3 tries, the question will become null, thus voided.

- Winners should reach out to the coordinating admin.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 14:00] ;@oselatirab10 ( Dorji) and @Remyeffs (Jeremy) @pharaoh26,( Marco) @hjmoon,(kenneth Moon) @Alexander_Kravets. (Alex)

Thank you all for joining us today to update the community.

Before we get into the community open chat session, I would like the team to briefly introduce themselves, for the community members who are new to the project. (Here is the link for the team introduction in the medium post).

Just to recap, we have updated the April monthly medium post and you can find more details here:

Medium (https://link.medium.com/ytbRznXnhgb)

Introducing the Team at Beyond Finance! The Beyond Finance team has been extremely busy with our public sale, BYN Token launch, product development and preparing to introduce our…

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:03]

Hello everyone! Good morning, evening and afternoon to all. Dorji here from Beyond Finance.

Jeremy, [15.05.21 14:03]; G’day everyone, Jeremy here from Beyond. Hope everyone is doing well.

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:05]

Currently, I’m head of IR and Operations for Beyond Finance. Prior to joining, I worked with a Singaporean blockchain VC firm to bridge the Korean project and overseas project for more than a year, then ran my own ICO in 2018/2019. I am also the co-founder and CEO of numerous start-ups such as CloudWorks In, Blockon Media, Smart Bio Farm and many others. I have a Master’s degree of Engineering in Chung Ang University, South Korea.

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:05]

When Bitcoin reached $20k, all time high back in 2017, I was fascinated by the blockchain tech and ever since, I have been in this space.

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:06]

I’m looking forward to today’s community open chat and hope to answer all your questions.

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 14:06]

Hi, I’m Kenneth. I’m originally from a financial background and worked in global investment banks. Also, I ran a few start-ups on mobile and AI tech. I joined the Beyond team, as I was fascinated by the huge opportunity of the synthetic asset industry.

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 14:06]

In Beyond, I am heading product development and work closely with the dev team. Hope you guys liked our intro video of Beyond beta version πŸ™‚

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 14:09]

Hey guys! Good to be chatting with the group. I’m Alex, a DAO member and advisor at Beyond, as I’m excited about the possibility of bridging DEX functionality and Synthetic instruments to make trading anything accessible to the world. I’m based in the US. My background is 12 years at a regulated trading firm catering to high frequency traders, stock brokerage, trade clearing, trading software, market data, and retail brokerage systems. Currently I’m leading a division of a centralized crypto exchange in the United States and a company for institutional market data/execution across the crypto exchange ecosystem.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 14:10]

πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»Special thanks to the team for the brief introduction, we shall now move to the next section of the community call, which is the dialogue session. The chat will be unmuted for a few minutes (1–3 min). Please do ask any question you may have, as the team will answer to the best of their ability. Good luck.

Matthew Banks, [15.05.21 14:12]

Hey! Why does Beyond need governance? How will it help grow the company?

Jordan, [15.05.21 14:13]

Thank you for hosting this AMA, how do you guys plan to differentiate yourselves from the competition?

Lizar Simeon, [15.05.21 14:13]

Hello all, my question is next. Will KYC be required for platform access?

Jerino PCoinz, [15.05.21 14:13]

Regarding synthetic assets, does anyone have the right to create them? Can anyone tamper with price feeds given by oracle?

Sam, [15.05.21 14:13]

Where can I get a BYN token?

Saad Islam, [15.05.21 14:13]

Can you tell me some great partnerships? What value do they bring beyond the partnership capacity?

Chioma, [15.05.21 14:13]

What is the most ambitious goal? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any upcoming updates?

Jessica Alisson, [15.05.21 14:14]

Why do you need NFTs in the pipeline?

Nathan, [15.05.21 14:14]

When I have a wallet, sometimes it doesn’t show β€” is there a problem?

Teddy Y, [15.05.21 14:14]

Where is the next CEX listing?

Marvellous, [15.05.21 14:14]

What do you mean by Parallel ratio of 300%?

Wealthyray, [15.05.21 14:14]

Any plans to integrate Oracles?

Rayan, [15.05.21 14:14]

I don’t understand how to deposit tokens in Beyond Farming Pool.

JK Jogodish, [15.05.21 14:14]

How can investors trust Beyond? Many projects have left and scammed recently.

DJ Byun, [15.05.21 14:15]

How can you afford 300% collateral when Synthetic 700% +?

Anis, [15.05.21 14:15]

What is the market strategy of Beyond Finance to get mass adoption by millions of users and investors outside the crypto space?

(The chat was muted after 4mins for the team to reply to all the questions.)

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 14:15]

Thanks for all the wonderful questions. The team will now respond to all questions.

Marco, [15.05.21 14:17]

[In reply to Sam](Where can I get a BYN token?)

Answer; Uniswap, v2

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 14:19]

[In reply to Matthew Banks](Hey! Why do Beyond need governance? How will it help with growth?)


In the Beyond platform, a variety of asset classes and trading pairs will be traded. Initially, major assets like BTC, ETH, Tesla, Apple, Euro, Gold etc. will be traded, but in the future we will expand to more diverse asset classes and more products will be introduced. Which assets to be introduced and traded is a very important question for the success of our platform. We will have our BYN token holders and traders to participate in this important decision making process. Users and traders will suggest which trading pairs will be included and it will be decided on BIPS (Beyond Improvement Proposals) platform. By doing so, we will have the list of assets which the traders most want and well reflect the demand of actual users in the Beyond ecosystem.

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:20]

[In reply to Wealthyray](Any plans to integrate oracles?)


Yes, we have already discussed with the top oracles in the industry. The partnership announcement will be next week. link.

Marco, [15.05.21 14:24]

[In reply to Marvellous](What do you mean by Parallel ratio of 300%?)


This is actually the collateralization ratio β€” BYN is staked on the Beyond DEX to mind USDb, or Beyond USD stable coin, to trade all the listed instruments on the Beyond DEX β€” currently crypto, commodities, FX, and equities β€” you will see this in the beta release soon, it looks fantastic by the way from a user perspective! This is done at a 3:1 ratio, and will likely drop to 1.5 β€” compare to other platforms in the space are 7:1 for collateralization ratios.

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 14:25]

[In reply to Teddy Y](Where is the next CEX listing?)


We are talking to multiple global top-tier exchanges now. There were some that we’ve already announced, but more to come in the near future. Since we are receiving a lot of love calls from many global exchanges (mostly because we have a very strong product already and a capable team to manage it), we are carefully selecting the best exchanges, which would give the most positive impact to Beyond’s growth and BYN token.


Also, these CEX discussions are not only about listing, but also on investment and innovative partnerships.

Jeremy, [15.05.21 14:26]

[In reply to JK Jogodish](How can investors trust Beyond? Many projects have left and scammed recently.)


Founded by professionals with deep financial fundamentals of Synthetics, this project was created for the long run.

It wasn’t made public, but we were self-funded until we had a working POC (Proof of Concept) Alpha version.

We have a truly global team who are all passionate and enthusiastic about wanting to build a self-sustaining product long term.

Marco, [15.05.21 14:26]

[In reply to Jessica Alisson](Why do you need NFTs in the pipeline?)


NFT + DEFI utility will be huge this 2021 H2.

LP position will be represented as NFT and will be trade and liquid! Beyond uses the next gen of NFT. Stay tuned.

When Beyond mentions NFT in the roadmap, we mean NFT + Utility (DEFI).

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 14:31]

[In reply to JK Jogodish](How can investors trust Beyond? Many projects have left and scammed recently.)

There are a few significant points of Beyond Project that could give trust to communities;

1) Experienced Team β€” As you might have realized, the Beyond team is compose of experienced members such as global investment banks like Goldman Sachs, financial institutions, start-up CEO, fin-tech expert, crypto exchange etc. Team has deep work experience to make high-quality DEX and launch various digital assets products.

2) Global Partners and Investors β€” As we have already announced, we have various global partners and strategic investors such as OKEX Block Dream Ventures, Bridge Mutual, GBIC, Spark Digital Capital, DuckDAO, Moonwhales and so on. (Actually, we are in the final discussion stage with other big global players.) The Beyond Finance team has already gone through a deep-dive due diligence process and received investment from these global partners and investors, which ensures its legitimacy of the project.

3) Solid Product β€” Beyond Finance team is dedicated to providing the user-friendly/scalable/multi-products DEX platform, by bringing not only DEX users, but also CEX-friendly users with synthetic assets platform. We have already announced our beta version of the platform which proves that we are a best in class project compared to other synthetic assets players.

Jeremy, [15.05.21 14:33]

[In reply to Anis](What is the market strategy of Beyond Finance to get mass adoption by millions of users and investors outside the crypto space?)


We have implemented several strategies, as with all projects, especially post IDO, we are like hundreds of others in a tough position.

There are more marketing strategies being executed and developed as we speak (yes we did hear your feedback) which include KOL, influencers, ambassador program, having BYN Token available on several other major platforms for utility, PR and several NFT related activities.

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:34]

[In reply to Saad Islam](Can you tell me some of the partnerships and what value they bring beyond partnerships?)


Yes, we have partnerships with the top tier exchanges such as OKEx Block Dream Ventures supporting us. We also have another top tier exchange supporting us (can not disclose the name now), in addition to Spark Digital Capital, top VCs and partners across the globe.

Those partners not only support with funds, but also with their networks, resources and marketing resources.

So far all of our partners have been a strong holder and they are all happy with the team performance.

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 14:34]

[In reply to Chioma](What is the most ambitious goal of your project? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any upcoming updates?)


I would say it’s to become the leading synthetics platform worldwide, to provide millions of users easy access to global asset trading, to make it cost efficient, easy, decentralized, democratize finance, and be the leading voice in the space. That’s Beyond’s mission. There’s some awesome updates in the pipe, related to major partnerships, chain operability, beta testing release to the community and actual launch, LP programs, CEX partnerships, etc. The team is working hard behind the scenes, is very well connected, and is capable in terms of top tier traditional finance background combined with extensive crypto experience. It’s honestly why I joined in the advisory capacity. I saw what can be possible and this is the team to make it happen.

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:34]

Here is the link for all of our partners link.

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:36]


Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 14:37]

[In reply to Chioma](What is the most ambitious goal of your project? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any upcoming updates?)


In terms of product development, we are mostly focused on the launch of the Beyond platform now. We believe it will be the most scalable, fast and convenient synthetic asset trading platform introduced in the market. Once the main version is launched, following updates will be released quickly in line with our roadmap. If we name a few notable updates, it will be:

- Leverage/Inverse trading

- Derivatives

- Gamification

- Loan function

Most importantly, our layer 2 will be introduced soon, which will alleviate the gas fee burdens for trading for all users. We’ve made quite a big progress in layer 2 adoption (our dev team has been analyzing all major chains day and night and we now have a strong capability for layer 2 migration once we decide the most optional blockchain network for L2 migration).

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 14:40]

[In reply to Wealthyray](Any plans to integrate oracles?)


Major announcement coming soon on this β€” integrating with leading Oracle.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 14:41]

Thanks to the team for the overwhelming responses to the questions from the community. We shall now have the team to answer questions from our other communities (Twitter and regional Telegram communities).

….The Moderator shared the previously collated questions from other channels (Twitter and regional telegram communities)……

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 14:42]

Collated questions on Twitter (Beyond Finance)

Q1.@heabros1- When will the big marketing start? BYN is still very unknown and has low trading volume, but the potential of this project with it’s innovation and background makes it a top 100 project! Is the team waiting for the platform to launch to start a big marketing campaign? Thanks.

Q2.@speicherfehler- Any plans to get listed on other exchanges? Kucoin?

Q3.blindguy222- What security do you have in place to protect the network?

Q4.@VBohutinsky- Will you be instantly multi-chain or will it come later?

Q5. @rana89362 Could you tell us some of the recent major achievements & future plans of Beyond_finance?

Q6. @ar_arak121212 β€” When will you launch the product?

Q7. @SudilZacharias- Do you agree that community is a key factor for the success of the project? Knowing that the project has had quite successful phases, but with future plans do you have plans to benefit some communities coming soon?

Q8.@SherajulIslamBD- How beneficial will Beyond be for users after creating the ideal synthetic product protocol?

Q9. @RabbitKid8-

Do you agree that the power of the community will drive your project to global growth? What are your strategies for building a large and strong community?

There are many successful blockchain projects with the same ideas as your project, so can you tell us the difference between your project and competitors? Do you feel confident that your project will have some outstanding features compared to those projects to attract users?

How can we secure a long term holding on this token. As an investor do you have a reason why this token is different from other tokens?

What output is expected from the community? How do you expect the community to aid the growth of the project? Do you have big bounties or ambassadors programs we can enroll for?

Do you have mechanisms such as buyback and burning to regulate the demand and supply #BEYOND FINANCE, so as to increase its intrinsic monetary values?

Binance smart Chain blockchain has high transaction speed and cheap gas fees. Are you planning to launch your mainet or switch to other blockchains in the future?

Q10. @SudilZacharias-

Which aspects are most important for you?

1-Increasing Token Price & Value

2-Empowering Platform Development

3-Building Community Trust

4-Expanding Partnership Globally in what order?

Can you tell me about your listing plans? Especially the ones involving major exchanges, CEX and DEX. What types of Partnerships are you looking for and what values would they bring?

I would appreciate it if you could share the next updates with us. What is the most ambitious goal of the project? What should the community look for?

How do you plan to achieve global expansion in countries that do not speak English as well as Spanish, Asia, Africa etc.?

Collected Questions On Telegram (Beyond Finance Bangladesh)

Q1.@Ratul4521 β€” Can you explain to me how to do staking?

Q2.@rakib248 β€” I want to trade with BYN token β€” is there any way to make a good income or profit?

Q3.@Jubayer278 β€” How does synthetic Beyond Protocol Work?

Q4.@jamal3321 β€” How much is the redemption fee and how and when is the redemption fee implied or calculated?

Q5.@Khadija849 β€” What do I do if my wallet is not connected to a BYN platform?

Q6.@nessr37 β€” Can you tell me some great partnerships and what value they bring beyond that?

Q7.@Jogo_Design β€” Tell us why investors can trust Beyond because many projects have left and scammed?

Q8.@shadw830 β€” What is the market strategy of Beyond Finance to get mass adoption by millions of users and investors outside the crypto space?

Questions from BEYOND’s Nigerian community

Q1. Where can I get a BYN token? @sam568901

Q2. What do you mean by Parallel ratio of 300%? @Marvellous789

Q3. What is the most ambitious goal of your project? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any Upcoming Updates? @chioma1290

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 14:43]

Q4. What is the competitive advantage of your project? Can you point out the strengths of your project that other projects do not have to attract investors? @abegunde89

Q5. Why did you decide to unite the cryptographic world with spirituality? Any particular personal experience you wish to share with us? @Chukwuemeka895

Q6. How does the Beyond ecosystem base framework affect the platform’s governance? Will having a central board take away from the decentralized essence of the project at all as a typical company would have? @airin2390

Questions from BEYOND’s French Community Question.

Q1: Can you tell us about your tokenomics? Can you tell us about your token? What are the use cases of this token for the developer community? Is it meant to hold it or does it have other uses on the platform? (User Name: @Gabriel3462)

Q2: Most investors simply focus on the price of the token in the short term, and not on the real value of the project. Can you tell us about the motivation and advantages of token investors in the long term? (User Name: @Antoine3355)

Q3: I have a wallet and sometimes it doesn’t show β€” is there a problem? (user name: @Nathan4433)

Q4: I don’t understand how to deposit tokens in Beyond Farming Pool. (Username: @Rayan324)

Q5: I will be stacking how to get APR and how to get profit? (Username: @Noam4531)


Q1: What will happen with unsold tokens from the Sale Stages? @bryan8490

Q2: Should one be aware of scammers? Is the exchange site of Beyond finance trusted? What securities are taken actually? @Itzel946

Q3: Can you tell me about the dedication that Beyond is giving? @Fernando6676

Q4: Why is there a need for Beyond special? @Reina56

Q5: Why is the market cap rank not allowed to show on the website? @Cruzita6

Q6: Where can I store my BYN Tokens once I get them? @Eugenia568

Q7: Is there a softcap for the token sale? @Gustava5


1.How important is the community presence in your project governance? What role do they play? In what subjects does the community have influence in the decisions for the project? @miebucu

2. In terms of per capita income for the fiscal year 2020–2021, what do you think needs to be done first? @mitthyolyja

1- Increasing Token price

2- Make Token Valuable

Building Community Trust

3. What would help Beyond Finance the best way to earn optimal interest rate, over so many crypto earning platforms? @BAMKQQ

4. How can users earn both passive and active income with Beyond Finance? @siiunn

5. Some projects get consolidated quickly, while for others it may take some years. How long can you wait until Beyond Finance takes off and becomes profitable? What is your funding until that happens? @BAMKQQ22

6. Security is very important when building a trustworthy project. What are your project data security measures? How do you protect against hacking? Are there any insurance for investors in those cases? @mmm789a

7.What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market? In contrast, what is your weakness? How do you plan to overcome it? (@CryptoHawk2)

8. As a trader, the safety of my funds is my priority before choosing any platform for trading and investing. How secure is Beyond Finance? What technology & programmable security did your team develop to build a very secure platform? (@Stefanjohansso)

9. I just got interested in the β€œRE-STAKING” pool, so can you explain how it works, and what is the unique mechanism that it used? (@HampusEckl)


User : Alif 2

Questions : Where can I see the roadmap of Beyond Finance?

Can anyone tell me when the next presale will be held?

User : Mr. Fahim

Questions : When will the new BYN exchange be announced?

In uniswap, can we stake other platforms?

User : Rikiy (@Lori829)

Questions: What is the marketing plan of B?

User : Andro (@dany629)

Questions : When will the website update? There are many details that need to be changed.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 14:42]

Collected questions on Twitter (Beyond Finance)

Q1.@heabros1- When will the big marketing start? BYN is still very unknown and has low trading volume, but the potential of this project with it’s innovation and background makes it a top 100 project! Is the team waiting for the platform to launch to start a big marketing campaign? Thanks.

Q2.@speicherfehler- Any plans to get listed on other exchanges? Kucoin?

Q3.blindguy222- What security have you got going into place to protect the network?

Q4.@VBohutinsky- Will you be instantly multi-chain or will it come later?

Q5. @rana89362 Could you tell us some of the recent major achievements & future plans of Beyond_finance?

Q6. @ar_arak121212 -When will you launch the product?

Q7. @SudilZacharias- Do you agree that community is a key factor for the success of the project? Knowing that the project has had quite successful phases, but with future plans do you have plans to benefit some communities coming soon?

Q8.@SherajulIslamBD- How beneficial Beyond will be for users after creating the ideal synthetic product protocol?

Q9. @RabbitKid8-

Do you agree that the power of the community will drive your project to global growth? What are your strategies for building a large and strong community?

There are many successful blockchain projects with the same ideas as your project, so can you tell us the difference between your project & those projects? Do you feel confident that your project will have some outstanding features compared to those projects to attract users?

How can we secure a long term holding on this token. As an investor do you have a reason why this token is different from other tokens?

What output is expected from the community? How do you expect the community to aid the growth of the project? Do you have big bounties or ambassadors programs we can enroll for?

Do you have mechanisms such as buyback and burning to regulate the demand and supply #BEYOND FINANCE, so as to increase its intrinsic monetary values?

Binance smart Chain blockchain has high transaction speed and cheap gas fees. Are you planning to launch your mainet or switch to other blockchains in the future?

Q10. @SudilZacharias-

Which one of these aspects is important for you?

1-Increasing Token Price & Value

2-Empowering Platform Development

3-Building Community Trust

4-Expanding Partnership Globally In what order?

Can you tell me about your listing plans? Especially the ones involving major exchanges, CEX and DEX. What types Partnerships are you looking for and what values would they bring?

I would appreciate it if you could share the next updates with us. What is the most ambitious goal of the project? What should the community look for?

How do you plan to achieve global expansion in countries that do not speak English as well as Spanish, Asia, Africa etc?

Collated Question On Telegram (Beyond Finance Bangladesh)

Q1.@Ratul4521 β€” Can you explain to me how to do staking?

Q2.@rakib248 β€” I want to trade with BYN tokens. Is there a way to make a good income or profit?

Q3.@Jubayer278 β€” How does synthetic Beyond Protocol Work?

Q4.@jamal3321 β€” How much is the redemption fee? How and when is the redemption fee implied or calculated?

Q5.@Khadija849 β€” What do I do if my wallet is not connected to a BYN platform?

Q6.@nessr37 β€” Can you tell me some great partnerships and what value they bring beyond that?

Q7.@Jogo_Design β€” Can you tell us why we can trust in Beyond? Many projects have pulled exit scams.

Q8.@shadw830 β€” What is the market strategy of Beyond Finance to get mass adoption by millions of users and investors outside the crypto space?

Questions from BEYOND’s Nigerian community

Q1. Where can I get a BYN token? @sam568901

Q2. What do you mean by Parallel ratio of 300%? @Marvellous789

Q3. What is the most ambitious goal of your project? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any upcoming updates? @chioma1290

Dorji, [15.05.21 14:45]

Wow! So many questions. Thank you all for the questions. We will try to answer as much as we can.

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 14:50]

Q8.@SherajulIslamBD- How beneficial Beyond will be for users after creating the ideal synthetic product protocol?

The idea is to provide anyone in the world with a crypto wallet the ability to trade any financial instrument, and to do it easily, quickly, and cheaply β€” as currently synthetic trading is expensive, illiquid, hard to understand, slow, etc β€” so it’ll be quite beneficial to solve these issues for the average retail user, and to provide 24x7 markets for global market participants in all instruments.

The key is having the proper platform, infrastructure, liquidity, UI/UX, core team competence, the ability to execute, and a global vision. Beyond is the team that will make it happen, on a global scale.

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 14:50]

You’ll also be able to launch synthetic products on the platform, which is super beneficial to providing liquidity for certain assets

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 14:51]

Like you can establish a 24x7 weather futures market, etc.

Marco, [15.05.21 14:54]

Q4.@VBohutinsky- will you be instantly multi-chain or will it come later?

BEyond DEX version one, will give traders from multiple chains to deposit funds, stake and trade Synthetics coming from one chain and exit to another.

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 14:55]

Q1.Where can I get a BYN token? @sam568901

A simple, but important question. Currently Uniswap and Ascendex and coming very soon, the Beyond DEX! More liquidity points to be announced shortly.

Jeremy, [15.05.21 14:57]

Beyond India Community (@dany629)

Questions : When will the website update? It should update because many details have changed.

Good question. We have been working on a completely new website for some time now, so it should be ready within the next 2 weeks.

We will also be updating many of our docs to reflect current development and to also set further goals for 2021 via updated roadmap.

Additionally, looking to add a forum within our new site, allowing another channel of interaction for our community and supporters

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 14:59]

Q3.blindguy222- What security have you got going into place to protect the network?

Q6.Security is very important when building a trustable project. What are your project data security measures? How do you protect against hacking? Is there any insurance for investors in those cases? @mmm789a

Q8.As a trader like me, the safety of my funds is my first priority before choosing any platform for trading and investing. How secure is Beyond Finance? What technology & programmable security did your team develop to build a very secure platform? (@Stefanjohansso)

=> >> It’s difficult to explain the technological details here, but we would like to emphasize that the core members of our dev team have been developing trading platforms for major companies (i.e. large-cap companies which are listed in the stock market) and global financial institutions for almost a decade. These trading platforms have been operating for many years, but there has not been a single case of security breach or hacking. Not to mention, smart contracts audit by the top-tier global auditors + custodian/insurance program will keep the highest level of security for Beyond platform.

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 15:00]

Q6: Where can I store my BYN Tokens once I get them? @Eugenia568

Q1: Can you tell us about your tokenomics? Can you tell us about your token? What are the use cases of this token for the developer community? Is it meant to hold it or does it have other uses on the platform? (User Name: @Gabriel3462)

=> You can of course keep the BYN tokens in your wallet. But we recommend to stake it on our platform once it goes live. By staking your BYN, you not only can get the high APY reward for staking, but also, mint USDb and trade various synthetic assets to make profit. Also, you will be entitled to participate in BIPS voting with the staked BYN tokens and make important decisions for the growth of the Beyond ecosystem.

Alexander Kravets, [15.05.21 15:01]

Note: For latest circulation, please visit coin market cap.

The BYN token hardcap is 100,000,000. Half are reserved for liquidity and staking rewards, with the rest allocated to strategic partners, marketing, development, presales etc β€” advisory/team is about 5%.

The BYN token collateralized USDb issuance to trade synthetic assets on the Beyond DEX, provides staking/LP/trading fee rewards, and is also a governance token.


User : Alif 2

Questions : Where can I see the roadmap of Beyond Finance?

Can anyone tell me when the next presale will be held?

The roadmap can be found here: next up is the Beyond DEX beta launch!

All the token sales were held during the IDO on April 12th, and presales prior to that primarily with well known 15 Plus VCs.

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 15:01]

4. How can users earn both passive and active income with Beyond Finance? @siiunn me

- Passive Income: At Beyond Finance, you can get BYN by swapping ETH from your metamask and stake BYN to get USDb, which is a stable token backed by BYN. By doing so, your BYN will be staked at Beyond Platform and get the staking yield from the platform, which is passive income.

- Active Income: As Beyond Finance is a DEX for synthetic assets, you can trade various synthetic assets such as stocks/commodities/FX/crypto at Beyond. The Beyond Finance team is also preparing for various financial products such as leverage/inverse products, probabilities, private company’s stocks and so on. By trading these products, you can get active income at Beyond.

Dorji, [15.05.21 15:01]

French community:

Q1. β€” BYN is the native token and it’s the gateway to beyond synthetic dex.

The user has to stake BYN to mint the synthetic stable coin USDb in the C ratio of 300%. With the USDb the user can then trade inside the beyond dex. (Like GOLDb, APPLb , EUROb).

The user gets the staking rewards, earns a portion of transaction fee, added incentive while minting synths in the platform. Take part in Beyond Governance for additional BYN Incentive and provide Liquidity to earn LP rewards.

Also at the later stage there will be gamification features where users will also have opportunity to earn more.

Marco, [15.05.21 15:02]

7. What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market? In contrast, what is your weakness? How do you plan to overcome it? (@CryptoHawk2)

Timing and the founder’s vision are our strongest advantages. Timing with coming to market with the right DEX at the Right time. The big wave of Derivatives and Synthetics is just about to start. Note that synthetics trading volume is still tiny, therefore amazing potential for growth.

Strong partners for audits, security expert consultants, continuous developments and improvements.

Dorji, [15.05.21 15:06]

Swedish community.

Q2. Making a token valuable. Trust is the most important as we all know there are many strange, get rich projects without fundamentals.

For Beyond, the goal and the vision is very clear that we want the underbanked and unbanked people to have access to those traditional financial assets, which in most of the cases is not easy.

We will put the community and user as the top priority. That is why we have come up with the easy to use, easy to understand.

Kenneth Moon, [15.05.21 15:09]

Q2: Most investors simply focus on the price of the token in the short term, and not on the real value of the project. Can you tell us about the motivation and advantages of token investors in the long term? (User Name: @Antoine3355)

> The beauty of synthetic asset platforms is the high TVL generated from staking. Synthetix does not have much active trading volume, but they have very high TVL ratio (= high market cap), since all users need to stake SNX when they want to trade on Synthetix platform. This applies the same for Beyond as well. All users stake BYN when they want to trade on Beyond platform. Moreover, as we introduce more variety of asset classes for trading and more interesting functions (i.e. leverage, derivatives, gamification etc), more users come to our platform and trade, which means more BYN will be staked on Beyond platform. This will naturally reduce the supply of BYN in the market (given most BYN is staked) and lead to continuous appreciation of token price.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:16]

Special thanks to the team for answering the questions across our twitter and regional communities. With this we have come to the end of the AMA session.

πŸ‘we appreciate all efforts from the team in answering and clarifying doubts to an excellent level.

We shall now move to the Quiz session πŸ“¦ πŸ˜€.

Dorji, [15.05.21 15:17]

@RabbitKid8 twitter question.

Yes we do agree 100% that the power of the community will drive the project.

We have organized the ambassador and delegates program. It will be coming out soon. Beside that we have now 13 plus regional community groups beside our official chats.

Yes, there are projects which are similar, however execution is key. We have already demonstrated our beta trailer video and you can see how easy it is.

Dorji, [15.05.21 15:18]

Yep, thank you all for the questions.

Marco, [15.05.21 15:19]

5. Some projects get consolidated quickly, while to others it may take some years. How long can you wait until Beyond Finance takes off and becomes profitable? What is your funding until that happens? @BAMKQQ22

BEYOND DEX Platform is self-sustainable and will generate fees and rewards on day ONE.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:20]

Hi all, the community is open for the quiz session

These are the guidelines for the Quiz;

πŸ“Œ There are five questions in all, the first correct answer for each of the question will earn the prize for that question.

πŸ“Œ If after three attempts there are no right answers to a question, the question will be cancelled out and we move to the next.

πŸ“ŒAll prizes shall be paid within 12–24hours.

Good luck to all participants.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:20]

Ready?? Let’s go!.

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:21]

Here is the first question:

What is the Beyond finance BYN collateralization ratio to back the synthetic assets (USDb)?

Jordan, [15.05.21 15:21]


Monice, [15.05.21 15:22]


Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:23]

[In reply to Jordan]

That’s correct!

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:23]

The second Question;

What is the total number of synthetic assets (Stocks, Crypto, Forex, Commodity), that the beyond platform will launch in the first phase?

JLll, [15.05.21 15:24]


Hanna QQ, [15.05.21 15:25]


Anis, [15.05.21 15:25]


Jo Son, [15.05.21 15:25]


Melany, [15.05.21 15:25]


Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:26]

[In reply to Hanna QQ]

That’s correct! 18 assets, (5 stocks, 6 crypto,4 forex, 3 commodity)

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:26]

The third Question is as follows: What is the total BYN token circulating supply? What is the reward allocation for Staking and LP?

Jo Son, [15.05.21 15:27]


Jordan, [15.05.21 15:27]

100,000,000 50%

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:27]

[In reply to Jordan]

That’s correct! 100 Million BYN token and 50% allocation for staking and LP rewards

Jackson Hwang, [15.05.21 15:27]

100M and 50%

Animesh Paul || Never DM/PM First, [15.05.21 15:28]


Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:28]

Here is the fourth Question:

As per the roadmap, when will beyond be a fully automated DAO?

DJ Byun, [15.05.21 15:28]

DAO 1Q 2022

Melany, [15.05.21 15:28]


Sarj, [15.05.21 15:29]

[In reply to Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST)]

2h 2021

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:29]

[In reply to Sarj]

Correct! 2H, 2021

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:29]

And here is the last question:

How many VCs have participated in the Beyond Private sales rounds?

Sarj, [15.05.21 15:30]


Anis, [15.05.21 15:30]


Jo Son, [15.05.21 15:30]


DJ Byun, [15.05.21 15:30]


Reflect, [15.05.21 15:30]

I’ve got a question that I missed asking: Currently it’s fair to say that hardly anyone knows about BYN. How does the team plan to use the 500k just released for marketing? And does this mean total circulation supply is now 4.5m?

Brian O, [15.05.21 15:31]

Hey, is it 19 Vcs?

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:31]

Question five has been declared. Thanks and void, as there was no correct answer after 4 attempts. Thanks all for your participation.

Sarj, [15.05.21 15:31]

[In reply to Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST)]


Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:31]

With this we will close this session here. We want to sincerely thank everyone for joining us tonight.

Thank you Beyond Team. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

Share the love and we look for your continuous support.

Website: Medium Reddit Github Twitter Telegram New channels Telegram official chat

joan m, [15.05.21 15:31]


Jackson Hwang, [15.05.21 15:32]


Jo Son, [15.05.21 15:32]


Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:32]

[In reply to Sarj]

This is correct, but it came late.. Better luck next time.

Sarj, [15.05.21 15:32]

Ok no worries

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:32]

Thanks everyone, let’s keep supporting beyond finance. Really exciting times ahead. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Dorji, [15.05.21 15:34]

Thank you all for the participation. We will come back with more exciting and cool quizs. Stay safe and we look for your continuous support. πŸ™

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 15:34]

[In reply to D R]


Sarj, [15.05.21 15:35]

Thanks to the team. Exciting project:)

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 16:03]

Hi all, here is the list of the Winners for the best question. Winners should kindly reach out to me with their usdt wallet (trc 20).

1. How can users earn both passive and active income with Beyond Finance? @siiunn me

2. Why do you need NFTs in the pipeline?

Jessica Alba

3: Most investors simply focus on the price of the token in the short term, and not on the real value of the project. Can you tell us about the motivation and advantages of token investors in the long term? (User Name: @Antoine3355)

4. As a trader like me, the safety of my funds is my first priority before choosing any platform for trading and investing. How secure is Beyond Finance? What technology & programmable security did your team develop to build a very secure platform? (@Stefanjohansso)

5. @RabbitKid8-

Do you agree that the power of the community will drive your project to global growth? What are your strategies for building a large and strong community?

There are many successful blockchain projects with the same ideas as Your project, so can you tell us the difference between Your project & those projects?Do you feel confident that Your project will have some outstanding features compared to those projects to attract users?

How can we secure a long term holding on this token. As an investor do you have a reason why this token is different from other token.?

What output is expected from the community? How do you expect the community to aid the growth of the project? Do you have big bounties or ambassadors programs we can enroll for?

Do you have mechanisms such as buyback and burning to regulate the demand and supply #BEYOND FINANCE, so as to increase its intrinsic monetary values?

Binance smart Chain blockchain has high transaction speed and cheap gas fees. Are you planning to launch your mainet or switch to other blockchains in the future?

Dotun πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Wilfred (WONT ASK FOR ETH NOR DM YOU FIRST), [15.05.21 16:11]

Also, here is the list of winners of the quiz sessions.

Jordan (got 2 Questions right)



For further education of the community, here is a recap of the quiz session.

Thanks for your active participation. Winners should please reach out to me.

Recap on the Quiz:

1.What is the Beyond finance BYN collateralization ratio to back the synthetic assets (USDb)?

Answer 300% link

2.What is the total number of synthetic assets (Stocks, Crypto, Forex, Commodity), that the beyond platform will launch in the first phase?

Answer 18 assets, (5commodities6 crypto,4 forex, 3 commodities) link

3.What is the total BYN token circulating supply and what is the reward allocation for Staking and LP?

Answer β€” 100 Million BYN token and 50% allocation for staking and LP rewards. link

As per the road map, when will beyond be fully automated DAO?

Answer β€” 2H, 2021 link

How many VCs have participated in the beyond Private sales rounds?

Answer β€” 22 VCs link

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NBX (prev. Beyondfi)
NBX (prev. Beyondfi)

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