A Step-by-step Guide to the new Staking program

Hello Beyondfi Community,
Welcome to our Step-by-Step Guide to our new Staking program.
As announced earlier, our new staking program is available Here
Now, let’s begin.
Go to Beyondfi Staking portal : Beyondfistaking.io

Step 2.
Click ‘Connect Wallet’ in the top right corner. Then connect your wallet.
(In this screenshot, we selected Metamask wallet)

If you successfully connect your wallet, you will see your wallet address on the top right side. (See below screenshot)

Step 3.
Select ‘Stake’, then type in the amount of BYN you wish to Stake.

Step 4.
Once you click approve, you will have to type in the amount once more to successfully deposit.

Step 5.
When Staking, two transactions will happen :
- When you Approve
- When you Deposit.
When you successfully staked, there will be two transactions (Please refer to the below screenshot)

So please be aware that gas fees will be deducted twice.
Step 6.
When you successfully stake, you should be able to see the changed amount on “your balance”, and “staking amount”.

Step 7.
You can see your Staking info on the Home tab.
Here, you can see : 1) Staking Period and 2) Staking Amount.

Step 8.
Under Unstake tab, you can see the redemption period and the total reward.
Here, you can Unstake or withdraw.

Here are some very important details about our staking:
- If you would like to do participate in multiple staking programs, that is, to stake again, you will need to do so with a different wallet.
- You cannot participate in different programs with 1 wallet. This is due to rewards being systemically calculated on an hourly basis.
- If you unstake before your staking period ends, fees will apply.
*Gas fees apply when using the Staking Program.
If you have any questions, come to our discord and leave your questions at staking-standard channel.
About Beyondfi
Beyond is a decentralized synthetic product trading platform where users can create and trade synthetic financial products, unlocking the full potential of decentralized finance and derivatives without limits. With prominent key partners including Huobi Ventures, Spark Digital Capital and OKex Block Dream Fund, Beyond Finance allows users to trade decentralized products without any restrictions, allowing individuals to reach their fullest to fully realize the value of Decentralized Finance.